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Available to Purchase or Order

Handmade by RBurns 


The Creeper Series

The Creeper Series.

Originally designed and built back in 2012, the Creeper series consists of a set of three rods, the Creeper Carp, Avon and Float.

At just six feet long, each rod is constructed from two joints of hand planed cane, finished to my usual high standards using hand made reinforced suction ferrules, agate lined tip and butt rings whipped in pure silk of your choice with fine intermediates finished with multiple coats of smooth glossy varnish.

As well as being superbly crafted and finished rods, The Creeper Series of rods are all extremely capable fishing rods. Their small size and simplistic methods of fishing really do help bring a sense of fun and enjoyment to your fishing. Their small size means they can be stored discreetly in the car for opportunist short sessions. They even fit into a large rucksack for the travelling or hiking angler.

Each of the Creeper rods can be built individually or as part of a set. As with all of my rods the customers can choose to customise rods to their specifications.

These rods could be mistaken for mini MKIV’s!


Made to Order - £400.00 ​Each

Full Set - £1000



The Creeper Series - Carp


As its name suggests the Creeper Carp rod has been designed as a Carp rod.

Its short length and surprisingly powerful action make this rod ideal for stalking Carp in overgrown swims where a long rod would be prohibitive.

Due to the power and short length of the Creeper carp strong lines are necessary to utilise the rod to its full potential.

As well as being a great stalking rod I have also found The Creeper Carp rod extremely useful when fishing from my small boat, my own rod having accounted for Barbel into double figures and Pike well over 20lb from my local rivers.


Made to Order - £400.00


The Creeper Series - Avon

The Creeper Avon is a similar actioned rod to the Creeper carp, with reduced tapers to make this rod a great all rounder for the roving angler.

Still capable of landing small to medium sized Carp, this rod really comes into it's own when margin fishing for a variety of species, with Tench, Bream and Chub being its ideal targets.


Made to Order - £400.00



The Creeper Series - Float

The Creeper Float rod is a much lighter actioned rod, with a fine tip section, to cushion light hook lengths and small hooks.

It has been designed primarily for float fishing in the margins.

Not designed for big fish, but to bring some joy to the simple art of float fishing.

A great rod to take to your local small pond or river for a quick session.

These rods are great for rediscovering simple fishing, or teaching youngsters how to fish.


Made to Order - £400.00

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